Example of New Missal Improvement: Palm Sunday

The new Missal prints the following great song for Palm Sunday’s entrance, while the current Missal prints only the text.

This song has an important melodic parallel with the entrance antiphon for Christmas Day, Puer Natus Est. Both songs announce the arrival of a king and in similar ways. Both are Mode 7 chants (modes matter!) and they follow a similar formula. This is not an accident. Keep in mind that it was only after Christ’s death and resurrection that it become clear  precisely what kind of King he would be.

If we leave out both songs, some important liturgical/theological information is lost.

2 Replies to “Example of New Missal Improvement: Palm Sunday”

  1. Another parallel lies with the Sanctus of Mass I sung during the Easter season. The Hosanna of this antiphon is identical to the Hosanna in the Sanctus. I have taken this to mean that we are subtly hinting that Lent is coming to a close and Easter is near. This also underscores the importance of singing both.

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