Complete English Propers for the Season of Lent

The following are digital cantor editions of the English chant antiphons that are found in the Lumen Christi Missal, published by Illuminare Publications, for the Season of Lent:

These settings utilize the new translation of the Roman Missal, and the newly approved Revised Grail Psalms. They have been granted the imprimatur of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and may be downloaded freely and used in your parish this Lent.

These settings are the beginning of a companion edition to the Lumen Christi Missal for the cantor and choir. The LCM is the book for the pew, and only provides musical settings that are fitting for the use of those in the pew. The Lumen Christi Gradual, once completed, will be the complimentary book for the choir, that contains the full proper of the Mass in simple English settings, including the antiphons of the LCM “Simple Gradual” in addition to musical settings of all of the texts that are found in the LCM that are intended to be sung.

More will be written soon on the differences between these two books, and the editorial decisions that were made in regard to their contents.

The cantor editions that are being posted here now are not a complete representation of the Lumen Christi Gradual, but are precursors to it. It is being posted in useful editions as the content is being developed, but please bear in mind that this is a work in progress that is being undertaken in real time.

Your feedback, as always, is most welcome.