Amy Culbreath on Violin

At Colloquium, when the polyphony learning curve gets steep and the Mass at which your choir is singing is just around the corner, it’s best to find someone whose musicianship exceeds your own to sit next to and learn from.

Last year, my unofficial mentor was this young lady, whose sight singing skills were among the best I’d ever heard. And no wonder.

I recommend opening a summer beverage of choice and sitting back for a good long listen.

One Reply to “Amy Culbreath on Violin”

  1. Kathy, isn't Amy one of Jeff's amazing brood up north near Redding? What a great family.
    His son Jeff was at SLC 1, 'was so much fun when we crossed paths: "Hello Mr. Culbreath." "Hello Mr. Culbreth."Did that with Charles Cole, too. "Hello Charles." "Hello, Charles."
    Jeff is a thinking person's Catholic and one amazing family man.

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