See you in Florida!

I’m looking forward to being with all of the good people in the Florida CMAA chapter this week at the 6th Annual Gregorian Chant Conference, held at Ave Maria University.

I’m particularly excited to have the opportunity to give a presentation on the Lumen Christi Series which I am developing with Illuminare Publications, and also to direct the advanced men’s schola in both Gregorian and vernacular chant.

The brand-new Lumen Christi Simple Gradual will be available at the conference, and I’m very excited to share with the participants the ways that this new resource can help average parishes sing the Mass.

The concluding liturgy on Saturday will include the Entrance and Communion chants from the Graduale Romanum, in addition to the Gregorian Alleluia, and the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia will be from the Lumen Christi Missal.

The Ordinary of the Mass will be Mass Setting II, as found in the Lumen Christi Missal and Simple Gradual, which is a simple, tone-based mass setting in Mode 6 that can easily be sung in any parish:

It’s going to be a great conference. I hope to see you there!

3 Replies to “See you in Florida!”

  1. I'm looking forward to this conference as well. My annual pilgrimage to the west side of south Florida from St. Augustine. I stop counting the orange trees on the way down after I hit 250. And I'm particularly looking foward to seeing how this charming Mass setting works on Saturday. It's clean and simple. The notes stay close to each other (critical with congregations who are allergic to leaps).

    Hearing Fr. Haynes, teaching a course on how to learn and teach a chant, two Masses, old and new friends – what's not to like?

  2. I received my copy of the LC SG yesterday and it has not left my side since. I took it to work and leaf through it constantly.

    However, as an almost music-illiterate, I do not have access to the chants.

    This Soundcloud example was (along with the brief Lenten Acclamations on YouTube) my first encounter with the new material in the book. THANK YOU FOR POSTING. The two settings are wonderful, and simple. After listening and memorizing, this unmusical one is able to use the printed music to reproduce a close approximation to what the ear has heard.

    What kind of audio support will this resource have? And what is the time-frame for any possible streaming examples?

  3. I'm so glad that you are enjoying it!

    I think that your intuition is right on target: The square note notation is helpful even to those who do not have much musical training, especially because it is "pictorial", meaning that it looks like what it sounds like.

    Still, recordings and demonstrations are very important, I know, especially for those who are beginning to work with chant for the first time.

    We are planning to record every chant in the book, and these will be available in a variety of forms, including on YouTube. We're working very hard to finish the Lumen Christi Hymnal and accompaniment editions right now, but recordings should be on their way soon also, at least a few at a time. Stay tuned, and rest assured that they are on their way.

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