Simple Propers for Christmas

Here are Simple English Propers for the Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord:

Thank you to everyone who has waited so patiently for these scores. I can assure you that we are working as hard as we can on these. Over the Christmas holiday we hope to pull ahead substantially so that we can end the weekly fire drills that we have been inflicting on anyone who has hoped to be able to prepare these proper settings with their choirs in advance. Thank you all for your kindness and patience.

Blessings to you all as we eagerly await the coming of our newborn King!

View the Simple Propers Master Index

7 Replies to “Simple Propers for Christmas”

  1. How nice it will be next year to have these available already… not that I don't appreciate the hard work, but for most choir programs, these are a little late to incorporate into next week's liturgies!

  2. Greetings,

    I would love to see a full sung mass using all the simple propers and chabanel psalms. I would like to see how it all comes together. It shouldn't be to difficult to do.

  3. Adam, thank you so much for the hard work and the fruits of your labor in these wonderful Simple Propers. May you have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

  4. @ Anon – This is a great idea. It would make for a good YouTube video wouldn't it? Let me consider this…

    @Myron – Thank you very kindly. A blessed conclusion of Advent and merry Christmas to you also!

  5. Adam…

    Again, thank you for this resource…we already chant the communion antiphon at each Mass…beginning in Lent we will be adding the Introit.

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