6 Replies to “Immutemur Habitu, José Maurício Nunes García (1767 – 1830)”

  1. This is gorgeous! And simple enough. Thank you for sharing this…

    I found the Sequence for the Seven Sorrows of BVM (stabat Mater)which is indicated for Friday in Passion Week…..Where exactly is it used on Good Friday? Somewhere during the veneration? I don't want to impose it where it SHOULD NOT be…but its time has come…as it has for all these re-discoveries… Thank you…

  2. Anonymous @ 4:44

    Passion Week is the week before Holy week. Not least of the unfortunate aspects of the Bugnini "reforms" was the abolition of Passiontide and the renaming of Palm Sunday as Passion Sunday, although some churches still veil their statues for the last two weeks of Lent.

    The Mass for the feast of the Seven Sorrows (15 September) can replace the ferial Mass on the Friday before Palm Sunday in the old calendar, and will include the Stabat Mater, without the concluding Alleluia. White vestments are used.

  3. Many thanks for this explanation. So much to unravel…it's overwhelming. Could this be used outside that particular mass as a meditation during a mass in Lent or Holy Week sometime, perhaps where a motet could be chosen? It is a waste to let it (and all these jewels) lay hidden…Again, I don't want to use it where it should not be used. Thank you.

  4. The Stabat Mater in its hymn version is often used at Stations of the cross with a verse sung between each station, in Latin or English. The chant version as a Sequence (Liber Usualis p.1634) could be used as a motet – it's a bit long for the Offertory, so I would do it at the Communion; in fact I think I shall, so thanks for the tip! It would be suitable for the 5th Sunday of Lent, the start of Passiontide.

    In 1993 I was in Prague for Holy Week and after the Good Friday liturgy in the lovely baroque church of St James we were treated to a performance of Dvorak's setting of the Stabat Mater for soloists, chorus and orchestra, lasting over an hour. The church was unheated and I had to sit on the marble steps of a side altar, but it was worth the discomfort.

    The liturgy for the Sacred Triduum both there and at St Thomas's in the Mala Strana was mostly in Latin, so being used to Brompton Oratory I felt quite at home!

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