7 Replies to “The Vierne Messe, or You Have Never Heard Anything Like This”

  1. "Lord, have mercy — OR ELSE!" Yes, it's well crafted, but am the only person around here who thinks there's something spiritually "off" about this piece?

  2. Having sung this a number of times on Solemnities in a parish of less than 1000, it is an appropriate high point (with others) to a choir's repertoire. It shouldn't be out of reach for any competent parish (let alone cathedral) choir with a qualified organist/choirmaster. The reality, of course, being different reflects the poverty of what we value and are willing to support. I long for the day that we marvel not at the opportunity to sing this at mass but at the fact that it was discarded for so long.

  3. Marvellous setting. Just love the bass line in the organ part in the Sanctus (it makes a reprise in the Osanna!)

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