These are a few of my favorite…..

Things from Colloquium XXII
*Confession in such beautiful environs
*Meeting a fellow Californian who talks faster, has better timing, and is better at “jocular.”
*Mary Weaver, lector par excellence and great company at dinner, who typesets beyond…
*The loveliness that is David Hughes.
*The humanity, genuine concern and rectitude in Father Pasley.
*The Vierne Mass
*Young Jonathan Culbreath greeting me Tuesday with “Hello, Mr. Culbreth.” “Hello Mr. Culbreath.”
*My bud Joe from Brooklyn, yo Brook-lyn!
*The primacy of the Extraordinary Form Mass done with humility.
*The worthiness of the Ordinary Form Mass done with humility.
*The comradery of CMAA that I believe will endure any trials.
*Kurt Poterack’s vibrato.
*The Church’s finest Master of Ceremonies, evah.
*The esprit d’ corps of the Vespers choir.
*The sheer magnificence of the women’s schola under maestro Cole.
*The deep, deep, deep, deep down freshness of the new composers.
*Saying “Hello, Charles” in my best Queen’s dialect, and Mr. Cole responding in kind.
*The love of the Lord evident in the faces of Dr. Paul Ford and his bride, Janice.
*The heart of the Lord evident in Br. Albert and seminarian Michael, composers.
*The wonderful convergence of young and old in Jeffrey Morse’s schola.
*The fact I couldn’t distinguish Martha’s from Mary’s.
*Monsignor Wadsworth!
*The chancery workers who let us park around the quad with smiles everyday.
*The caring of MSForum newbie Wendi, and the support of Dr. Woo by explaining, well, me.
*A new hymntune to me, with an exquisite new text.
*Meeting Richard Rice’s mum, and seeing Richard’s smile.
*Gere’s unbridled enthusiasm, for God, that liturgy saves, and for himself.
*But, more than all, seeing the face of our Lord Jesus Christ in Professor William Mahrt
Soli Deo gloria