Special Edition: Parish Book of Psalms

The CMAA held a book sale last month at a liturgical conference, and we had to do a rush print on a book, before it was available in hardback, that is the current bestseller in our entire catalog: The Parish Book of Psalms, by Arlene Oost-Zinner.

Between two covers, you get Gregorian-style Responsorial Psalms for the entire year plus all the notations for the verses. A cantor alone can handle the Psalm and make it beautiful, or it can be used for the entire choir. The chant between the readings will become beautiful and singable and consonant with the tradition of the Roman Rite.

We did a spiral-bound edition just for this event. We had to print more than we knew we would need. We wanted to get the book out there. The trouble is that we have some remaining that we would like to move at our direct cost, which is to say at a loss.

But our loss is your gain: we are offering these through direct sale. We don’t want to create a new ISBN etc. just for this one edition to sell on Amazon, so this is the only way you will get this book in the spiral edition.

One copy: $18 including domestic shipping
Ten copies: $150 including domestic shipping
Fifteen copies: $200 including domestic shipping

This is a chance to get one copy for every choir member. If you would write contact@musicasacra.com and make your paypal payment to treasurer@musicasacra.com, then we will ship these out immediately.