A 15th-century office hymn for the Feast of the Guardian Angels, my translation, in rhyming Long Meter.
Eternal maker of all things,
you govern everything as King:the sea, the sun, the heavn’ly vault,and pay each one for good or fault.To ruination you condemnthe arrogant and all like them;they shall receive what is their due,but help us, Lord, who call on youWith ever-growing confidencewe pray for heavenly defense:our champions in armies send,to us, through them, may grace extend.O may they visit, cleanse, inspire,and gently teach us to aspireto noble paths of good and right,and may they end the demons’ might.O angels’ Glory, safely lead;by paths secure make us proceed.Give us these guards, your gifts of grace,that we may come to see your face.O Lord of angels, let us raiseunto your honor songs of praise,whose wondrous ordered working bringsboth us and them to heav’nly things.
Charles Giffen has very kindly engraved this text using the chant tune from the Liber Hymnarius. Anyone may please feel free to use this hymn today.
Thank you for this chant! What a wonderful addition to Mass today!
Ross Williams