Within the quiet of a home

Within the quiet of a home
Let no one but the angels come,
Or travelers in their distress,
Or friends in holy righteousness.
Let every fam’ly live in peace
And let the grace of God increase.

O Jesus, born on Christmas night,
The Son of Mary, heaven’s Light,
Give us the grace we need each day
To follow in Your Father’s way:
The heav’nly Father, quick to bless,
Whose ev’ry act is faithfulness.

Then Father, bless each family
With faith and hope and charity,
That we may find our perfect Good
Whose bed was only hay and wood.
Saint Joseph, help all families stay
With Him you sheltered Christmas day.

Text by Kathleen Pluth
Copyright © 2005 CanticaNOVA Publications. Duplication restricted.

Meter: D Suggested tune: Sussex Carol, or others:

Angel’s Song Neumark (alt) Saint Petersburg

Melita Saint Catherine Stella