An office hymn for Palm Sunday

Celsae salutis gaudia

The joy of heaven’s saving ways
Let faithful earth its anthems raise,
For Jesus, Ransomer of all,
Now holds the prince of death in thrall.

The young of palm and olive trees,
The people pave the road with these.
Their voices jubilantly grow:
“Hosanna David filio!”

Then let us all with running feet
Make haste our high great Prince to meet,
And melodies of glory sing,
Our palms of gladness offering.

By blessed gifts may He upraise
Our walking over slip’ry ways,
Our journeys safe, that all our ranks
May pay to Him our debt of thanks.

Be glory to the Father done,
And likewise to His only Son,
And to the Holy Spirit praise
Forever, unto endless days. Amen.

Translation c. 2021 Kathleen Pluth