See You in Chicago? Come to the CMAA Colloquium!

There is still some time and still some places available for singers who want to have a ripping good time singing chant and polyphony, networking and hanging out with lovers of sacred liturgical music, working with some of the “best of the block” in the field, and taking their own skills and experience up to another level.

From June 25 to June 30, 2018, there will be beautiful music at the lakeside campus of Loyola University, with  Masses celebrated in the Madonna della Strada chapel. Extraordinary Form, Ordinary Form, Latin and English, and now Spanish! Head over to the CMAA website and see all the opportunities to sing music you love.

If you’re a beginner at singing, fear not! The basics of chant are taught and there is a special choir to introduce you to the intricacies of polyphony. There’s no “karaoke choir” here. Instead you have a chance to work on skills with a welcoming community. Everyone was a beginner once upon a time; the best of us remember it!

Put the kitchen remodel on hold, see if the car won’t hold out one more year, whatever! Come to Chicago and discover the joy of great liturgical music that YOU are a part of.

Your spirits will be lifted and your faith strengthened. What more do you want?

See you at Loyola in June!